Martín Soto Climent

Martín Soto Climent
Texts by Susan L. Aberth, Giorgia von Albertini, Veit Loers, Chris Sharp, 2021
Martín Soto Climent: Martín Soto Climent
Publisher: Mousse Magazine
Dimensions: 198 x 268 mm
Pages: 288
ISBN: 9788867494552
€ 50.00

Mexican artist Martín Soto Climént (b. 1977) makes the lyrical potential of found objects and images the core of his multifaceted conceptual practice, which manifests in works ranging from object-based sculptures and installations to photography, and, recently, painting. Soto Climént’s particular attunement to the associative and affective properties of objects and images enables him to destabilize their conventional reading and to radicalize their potential for new meaning. Drawing out the appealing, sexual, or otherwise heightened qualities of objects, the artist triggers our own structural and linguistic perceptions of desire.


This monograph constitutes the first major assessment of Climént’s fascinatingly rich and intriguingly complex practice. Spanning 20 years of work, it chronicles his exhibition history and provides documentation on his most important groups of works.


Languages : English / Spanish