Omid Delafrouz, Lena Johansson and Cajsa von Zeipel at Bohuslän's museum, Uddevalla, Sweden: Group-exhibition

1 June - 3 November 2024 
In honor of its 40th anniversary, the Bohuslän's museum is presenting the exhibition As Dreamers Do. The title refers to the artist's role as dreamer, observer and co-creator in a complex contemporary world. Some of the fifteen invited artists have previously exhibited in the art gallery in various constellations, others are completely new to the context. There will thus be both flashbacks, returns and new meetings.
Artists interpret and shape both inner and outer worlds from their different starting points, opening up new spaces within us. Often art can raise questions and curiosity through an interesting visual appeal, but also through its ability to be unspoken and ambivalent. Do artists have an extra sensibility, a kind of hyper-sensitivity that can reveal signs of our times that are not yet fully visible to us?
The hope is to create a multi-dimensional exhibition with rich themes and varied expressions with narratives in a playful spirit. Some of the artists have a connection to the west coast, but the exhibition also has a clear representation from other parts of the country. Most are nationally active, but some of them are also internationally established. Several were born in the 1980s when the museum was established, while others belong to an earlier generation.


Several tracks meet in the exhibition. One theme is represented by artists who, through photography, film, textiles, text, sculpture, installation, social media and painting, stage their own selves and thoughts about the bodies we live in and the relationship to space, place, time and context. In their works, issues of gender, belonging, identity and performativity are clear starting points.


For more information, please visit the exhibition website.