Xavier Veilhan
Vent Moderne, 2015
HD Black and white film, 27:39 min
Edition of 3
Vent moderne, 2015 HD black and white film, 27’39’’; Edition of 3+1; Filming view, Villa Noailles, Hyères. © Veilhan © Mallet-Stevens / ADAGP, 2015. Exclusive courtesy Andréhn-Schiptjenko (until the end...
Vent moderne, 2015
HD black and white film, 27’39’’; Edition of 3+1; Filming view, Villa Noailles, Hyères. © Veilhan © Mallet-Stevens / ADAGP, 2015.
Exclusive courtesy Andréhn-Schiptjenko (until the end of the year 2015).
Sale Price: 50 000 euros VAT not included
Directed by Xavier Veilhan; conceived with Alexis Bertrand and Violeta Kreimer, Produced by Dimitri Chamblas and Amélie Couillaud, coproducted by La Villette, Paris. eXorde (collection Casoar) music by Zombie Zombie.
Xavier Veilhan maintains strong ties with architecture, as reflected in his project Architectones (2012- 2014). In light of this proposition for the festival Cinéma en Plein Air of the Parc de la Villette (Paris), he creates a film that plays with perspectives, scale and the links between set and architecture. The sequences are built around the figure of a designer, a creator, an architect, to whom French actor Micha Lescot lends his traits. Vent Moderne brings to life a succession of fantasized moments in the protagonist’s life: the design process, meetings, travels, moments of celebration and pleasure. This narrative aspect is complemented by a more abstract dimension, a string of visual evocations through which the spectator traces his own path.
Link to the film : https://vimeo.com/xavierveilhan/vent-moderne (password: Noailles) More information : http://www.veilhan.com/#!/fr/work/590
HD black and white film, 27’39’’; Edition of 3+1; Filming view, Villa Noailles, Hyères. © Veilhan © Mallet-Stevens / ADAGP, 2015.
Exclusive courtesy Andréhn-Schiptjenko (until the end of the year 2015).
Sale Price: 50 000 euros VAT not included
Directed by Xavier Veilhan; conceived with Alexis Bertrand and Violeta Kreimer, Produced by Dimitri Chamblas and Amélie Couillaud, coproducted by La Villette, Paris. eXorde (collection Casoar) music by Zombie Zombie.
Xavier Veilhan maintains strong ties with architecture, as reflected in his project Architectones (2012- 2014). In light of this proposition for the festival Cinéma en Plein Air of the Parc de la Villette (Paris), he creates a film that plays with perspectives, scale and the links between set and architecture. The sequences are built around the figure of a designer, a creator, an architect, to whom French actor Micha Lescot lends his traits. Vent Moderne brings to life a succession of fantasized moments in the protagonist’s life: the design process, meetings, travels, moments of celebration and pleasure. This narrative aspect is complemented by a more abstract dimension, a string of visual evocations through which the spectator traces his own path.
Link to the film : https://vimeo.com/xavierveilhan/vent-moderne (password: Noailles) More information : http://www.veilhan.com/#!/fr/work/590